Hi guest!
No problem, below are some ICD-10 coding options for loss of teeth due to periodontal disease:
Partial loss of teeth due to periodontal disease: K08.421 - Partial loss of teeth due to periodontal diseases, class I K08.422 - Partial loss of teeth due to periodontal diseases, class II K08.423 - Partial loss of teeth due to periodontal diseases, class III K08.424 - Partial loss of teeth due to periodontal diseases, class IV K08.429 - Partial loss of teeth due to periodontal diseases, unspecified class
Complete loss of teeth due to periodontal disease: K08.121 - Complete loss of teeth due to periodontal diseases, class I K08.122 - Complete loss of teeth due to periodontal diseases, class II K08.123 - Complete loss of teeth due to periodontal diseases, class III K08.124 - Complete loss of teeth due to periodontal diseases, class IV K08.129 - Complete loss of teeth due to periodontal diseases, unspecified class
And some additional options for fractured/cracked teeth: K03.81 - Cracked tooth Z18.32 - Retained tooth
There are separate ICD-10 codes for fracture due to trauma as well.
Hope this helps, have a great day!
Can someone tell me a code for dental implants (ICD10) from loss due periodontal disease or fracture of root?
Can someone tell me a code for dental implants (ICD10) from loss due periodontal disease or fracture of root?
Nierman Practice Management's CrossCoding Course with Rose Nierman covers ICD-10 and other updates for Medical Billing for Dentists Here's a preview of the ICD-10 medical billing for dentists CE. Look for upcoming webinars too!
1. The Most common ICD-10 codes for Panorex or CT scan
2. ICD-10 Coding for TMD and Dental Sleep, Oral Appliances Dental Bone Grafts and Dental Implants
3. ICD 10- Coding for Trauma to teeth or TMJ Injuries – which digits to add
4. New ICD codes for “Diabetes due to periodontal disease”
5. ICD-10 codes to indicate the left or right side of the body
6. Will Dental Insurance require ICD-10 on Dental Claims?
Here's a link to the Seminar Dates:
We hope to see you at a course or webinar!