When planning a special event or simply looking for a luxurious way to get around the Windy City, hiring a limo service in Chicago can be an excellent choice. Understanding the rates and what factors influence the cost can help you make an informed decision and possibly save some money. Here’s a general overview of what you need to know,
Chicago Limo Service Rate - Affecting Factors Kind of Limo The type of limousine you select will have a big effect on cost. Standard stretch limos and more ostentatious cars like party buses or Hummer limos are available options. Length of Rental The standard rate for limo services is by the hour, and the minimum reservation period is between two and four hours. The cost increases with the length of the rental, however some businesses provide discounts for longer stays. Day and Time Rates are subject to change depending on the day of the week and the time of day. Due of increased demand, weekends and evenings are frequently more expensive. By understanding the factors that influence rates and utilizing some cost-saving tips, you can enjoy a luxurious ride without breaking the bank. Have any experiences or tips about renting limos in Chicago? Share your thoughts and suggestions!