Dr. Brian,
Services that you do to the teeth will not have a true CrossCode. I would suggest that you use 41899 which is an unlisted dentoalveolar procedure. You will have to send it in with a report itemized the treatment that you are doing. Make it very clear that this treatment is the direct result of her Sjogren. You can only put 4 codes on the claim form. It looks like you already have the codes. I checked and they look pretty good.
I am looking for a code that I can use to file for composite resins/ root canals/ and crowns. The reason we are trying to file is because our patient has Sjogren's Disease. Due to this she has extremely dry mouth. I will be using ICD 9 710.2, 521.32, 521.35, 521.33. I am also looking for an E code. Thanks, Dr. Brian