Originally Posted by: mbrzezinski Hi Guest!
There is a new rule general dentistry can enroll in 855I here is a snip from the CMS website
CMS 855i- allows you to enroll to be reimbursed for the covered services furnished to Medicare beneficiaries, order and certify certain items or services, and prescribe Part D drugs.
Please note: If you are using the CMS 855i to enroll in Medicare to be reimbursed for covered services furnished to Medicare beneficiaries, select from either the Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Surgery (dentist only), if applicable or select Undefined Physician type and write in "General Dentist"
Hope this helps!
I appreciate your response, but this information is actually not accurate. Noridian (our MAC for Medicare) has refused to process our 855I since our doctor is a general dentist. I did select "Undefined Physician" and type General Dentist, and this was rejected. Also, the rep at Noridian said we could not submit a new app as an oral surgeon, since our doctor's credentials did not indicate she was an oral surgeon.
I argued with a few Noridian reps, and they've all said the same thing. I even pointed this out on their website, and asked if one of them could tell me where in their PIM manual it says dentists cannot contract with Medicare; they couldn't tell me, but still refused to allow our application. Ended up submitting an 855-O instead.
It would be really great if anyone who has had success with the 855-I (after the 855-O became available) for a general (non-OS) dentist can give me some hope. From what I can tell, the 855-I stopped being available to general dentists after the 855-O came out last summer.
BTW, I come from a medical billing background and have never had these issues with MDs, DOs, NPs, etc. getting their 855-I processed, so I know my way around the application pretty well.
Edited by user Monday, May 8, 2017 7:20:17 PM(UTC)
| Reason: ps