Hi Guest!
The diagnosis code(s) will depend on the patient & their condition - basically - what issues with the patient's dentition is the reason the patient receiving these services?
For example, here are some coding options:
• K05.211 - Aggressive periodontitis, localized, slight
• K05.212 - Aggressive periodontitis, localized, moderate
• K05.213 - Aggressive periodontitis, localized, severe
• K05.219 - Aggressive periodontitis, localized, unspecified severity
• K05.221 - Aggressive periodontitis, generalized, slight
• K05.222 - Aggressive periodontitis, generalized, moderate
• K05.223 - Aggressive periodontitis, generalized, severe
• K05.229 - Aggressive periodontitis, generalized, unspecified severity
• K05.311 - Chronic periodontitis, localized, slight
• K05.312 - Chronic periodontitis, localized, moderate
• K05.313 - Chronic periodontitis, localized, severe
• K05.319 - Chronic periodontitis, localized, unspecified severity
• K05.321 - Chronic periodontitis, generalized, slight
• K05.322 - Chronic periodontitis, generalized, moderate
• K05.323 - Chronic periodontitis, generalized, severe
• K05.329 - Chronic periodontitis, generalized, unspecified severity
• K05.10 - Chronic gingivitis, plaque induced
• K05.11 - Chronic gingivitis, non-plaque induced
• K02.3 - Arrested dental caries
• K02.51 - Dental caries on pit and fissure surface limited to enamel
• K02.52 - Dental caries on pit and fissure surface penetrating into dentin
• K02.53 - Dental caries on pit and fissure surface penetrating into pulp
• K02.61 - Dental caries on smooth surface limited to enamel
• K02.62 - Dental caries on smooth surface penetrating into dentin
• K02.63 - Dental caries on smooth surface penetrating into pulp
• K02.7 - Dental root caries
• K02.9 - Dental caries, unspecified
If these above don't fit the bill for you patient, let me know some details on their condition and I am happy to help you with come additional coding options.
Hope this helps!
Edited by user Friday, September 29, 2017 8:04:08 AM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified